Sept. 21, 2022

Dynamics of Expansion Featuring Leon VanderPol

Dynamics of Expansion Featuring Leon VanderPol

When you’re feeling stuck, spinning your wheels, circling a plateau – what do you do? Well, it could be time to focus less on doing and more on Being. Join me and special guest author and Deep Coach Leon VanderPol as we explore what we need to Be for our preferred conditions to become our reality and how to find support for that journey.

I talk a lot about transformation around here. It’s kind of my passion 😊

As we learn and try new things and develop skill and mastery, we’re embracing change and that’s part of transformation. But true transformation work takes this deeper - and that’s transforming who we’re BEING. That kind of transformation starts from who you are and who you’d prefer to be.

You can learn and do new things. You can set and meet goals. But Transformation has a BEING component. 

One reason why this can feel frustrating is we're not really taught what it takes to transform. Here's a key insight: You cannot “do” yourself to the next level of being and becoming the most authentic and powerful you. Doing must flow from Being, not the other way around.

In this episode I'm so excited to talk with Leon VanderPol, author of A Shift In Being: The Art and Practices of Deep Transformational Coaching. If you haven't read this book I cannot even express how important this work is - soooo aligned and on point. And in our conversation we dig into the difference between transactional coaching and transformational coaching modalities. We talk about the discomfort in change and what that might signal. We troubleshoot the transformation process and wrestle with what embodiment really looks like and how we can maintain it. 

This is what it is all about my friends!

Hop into the conversation and leave us your insights and questions.

Much love!

Leon  VanderPol (he/him)Profile Photo

Leon VanderPol (he/him)

Spirit-based Teacher / Author / Deep Coach

Leon VanderPol is an internationally-recognized leader, master teacher, and author in the field of transformational coaching and transformative living. He is the Founder of the Center for Transformational Coaching and his book, A Shift in Being: The Art and Practices of Deep Transformational Coaching, is selling in multiple languages, bringing his work to new audiences daily.

Leon has spent over two decades immersed in the dynamics of personal and inter-personal change. At the core of Leon’s teaching lies the transformation of human consciousness—what happens when we consistently begin to experience ourselves beyond our ego-based state of consciousness, as our essential Self and soul.

Today he works with people from around the world to explore the boundaries of their existence, grow into new paradigms of personal experience, and tap into their most authentic Self.

He is Canadian by birth, Dutch by ancestry, and has called Taiwan home for over 22 years.

To find out more, visit him at